- It’s a perennial comes back every year.
- It’s very easy to care for, needs almost no attention once its established.
- It’s easy to grow from seed often flowers in the first year.
- It’s tall adds a lot of drama to the garden
- Has tons of wonderful little flowers that can be seen from way across your neighbors yard (maybe even the end of the block)
- The flowers smell wonderful!
- The foliage smells pretty good too.
- Flowers in late spring early summer.
- Attracts butterflies – lots of butterflies.
- Good pollinator plant help to save the native bees.
- Great medicinal properties – if you are willing to dig up the roots
- Cats love the roots too, often more than catnip.
- Deer and rabbits don’t seem to eat the plants.
- Leaves can be eaten in salad but small quantities at a time recommended.
14 REASONS TO GROW VALERIAN. (Valerian officinalis)
Plant of the Week.