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Plastic mulch and plastic ground cover are used to keep down weeds, keep the soil warm and prevent soil erosion. This also allows
us to use drip irrigation to plants reducing water use. Portion of our main field after spring planting.
Laying plastic mulch in second field. Thrift [ Armeria] plants already in bloom.
Portion of our main field during first year of operation. Flowering
chocolate plants [ Berlandiera lyrata}, blue Cupids Dart [ Catanche], Yarrow [ Achillea] with experimental Berkheya thistles on right - these died during the winter.
Portion of our Yarrow and Cupids Dart rows in second year of planting.
Part of our Cockscomb Kurume flower rows almost ready to harvest. Cockscomb Flamingo in background on right.

Wonderful chocolate flowers with yarrow and blue catanche in background. |

Row of lavender blooming in its second year from seed. |

Cockscomb Flamingo spikes with giant sunflowers in the background. |

Beautiful thrift plants in many colors blooming in their third year from seed. |
Checking the Sweet Annie [ Artemisia annua] before harvesting. |
Yarrow crop before harvesting. |